The Long Line // Short Film
This is a short experimental film set in 2011 which, explores the mental health and wellbeing of 20-something-year-old man named Liam who stays in rural Ireland as his peers leave for better opportunities. As GAA training session numbers dwindle, voice-notes play from his girlfriend Jane in Australia. She is trying to connect with him, worried about him and frustrated about his lack of communication, Liam seems passive and constantly looks out over the shores to try find answers and sense of what is happening.
Artist's Statement
This is a meditation of being left behind, we as the Irish youth of 2011 resonate with Liam's torment. The contrast of the wide costal vistas versus the narrowly focused anger of an erratic sketch, makes it hard to breath. The constant return to Irish wildlife, farming, GAA and Irish landscapes that repeats and builds in rhythm conveys a sense of claustrophobia and entrapment. Jane is representative of all those who left for better prospects, initially with excitement and eventually a festering home sickness. Liam who has buckled his feet to the home ground, is felt to miss out on a more positive future.
Created and Produced by Cathy Dunne & Alan Bradley
Director of Photography Cathy Dunne
Edited by Cathy Dunne
Starring Alan Bradley, Catriona Loughlin and Joe Dermody
Original Soundtrack by Feargal Corrigan and Luke Nelson
Graphic Titles by Louise Kiernan
Awards and Festival Selections 2017
Irish Premiere at Kerry Film Festival, Portobello London Film Festival, IndieCork Film Festival